A Multilevel Investigation into Tip Wake of Wind Turbine Using Sirovich-type Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
It is still challenging to study the multi-level flow of complex rotating tip wake and give a reasonable physical explanation. Based on the multi-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method, a high-fidelity numerical model is established to provide a valid and rational data base. At the same time, a methodology is presented to resolve the complex rotating flow wake based on discrete Sirovich-type proper orthogonal decomposition. Moreover, a critical sub-region with a discrete strategy in the methodology is determined to realize data homology and reduce calculation. The results indicate that the 1st-order flow modes have the macroscopic average flow characteristics of the blade tip wake, corresponding to the zero-frequency peak. The 2nd-order and 3rd-order flow modes are the energy mapping of the tip wake, indicating a remarkable circumferential symmetry. As the order increases, the flow modes first projected by the blade tip wake, followed by the flow modes projected by the attached vortex or X-axial velocity, and then the flow modes projected by deep fusion of the tip wake and the attached vortex or X-axial velocity. The deep fusion reflects the quasi-resonance mechanism of the local wake flow structures of the blade tip vortices, which also corresponds to the energy content and time-frequency characteristics respectively.
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