Numerical Investigation of a Mixed SPH-FEM Formulation for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
Simulation of Fluid Structure Interaction FSI, has become more and more the focus of computational engineering, where FEM (Finite element Methods) for structural mechanics and Finite Volume for CFD are dominant. For small deformation, FEM Lagrangian formulation can solve structure interface and material boundary accurately, the main limitation of the formulation is high mesh distortion for large deformation and moving structure. One of the commonly used approaches to solve these problems is the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) formulation which has been used with success in the simulation of fluid structure interaction with large structure motion such as sloshing fuel tank in automotive industry and bird impact in aeronautic industry. For some applications, including bird impact and high velocity impact problems, engineers have switched from ALE to SPH method to reduce CPU time and save memory allocation.
In this paper a mixed SPH-FEM method is presented. The mathematical and numerical implementation of the FEM method using an ALE (arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) formulation is described. From different simulation, it has been observed that for the SPH-FEM method to provide similar results as ALE or Lagrangian formulations, the SPH meshing, or SPH spacing particles needs to be finer than the ALE mesh. To validate the statement, we perform a simulation of a hydrodynamic impact problem. For this application, the particle spacing of SPH method needs to be at least two times finer than ALE mesh. A contact algorithm is performed at the fluid structure interface for both SPH-FEM and SPH-Solid. Since VOF (Volume of Fluid) method is part of the general ALE method, in this paper we use either ALE or VOF terminology to describe the VOF method. Since contact algorithm is an important part of the fluid structure interaction, in this paper we describe the penalty contact us
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